About Me

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My name is Sean. I'm 22. I go to Millersville University. I'm a sophmore and currently undeclared, but I'm leaning towards being either an English or History major. After school I would like to write novels. I like to write short stories, but I never seem to finish them. I have many hobbies. I like to listen to music. Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, The Smiths, Saves The Day, Morrissey, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Brand New, Face To Face, Coheed And Cambria, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Elvis, Kiss, Queen, Neil Young, No Doubt, Prince, Megadeth etc. In addition to listening to music, I play music. I play the guitar and I play the bass guitar in the band Kill Big Riggs or KBR for short. I like to watch movies. I like Marlon Brando a lot and Harvey Keitel. Some of my favorite movies are Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Ghost World, Mean Streets, Foxy Brown, Rushmore, Who's That Knocking At My Door?, Edward Scissorhands, and On The Waterfront. I also like to hang out with friends and family. I like to draw. I really like Pablo Picasso's artwork. I like to watch TV. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, and Home Movies. I also like to watch mixed martial arts with my brother.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What's Your Major?

I worked on Sunday and it was pretty terrible. Very very busy. Me and Nikki want to quit. It was my manager Mike's last day and I was very bummed out. I didn't even want to say goodbye. The Hoss's that he is going to will probably close because it gets no business so he'll probably come back, but it's going to suck w/out him. He is one of the funniest guys I ever met. I hope he comes back. At least his wife will still work at the store I work at and I can keep in touch w/ him through her, but things are going to be very different. After work I found out that Ben Saunders, a fighter who fought in the UFC, won his first post-UFC fight. He got cut after losing to Jon Fitch and Dennis Hallman. I was surprised that he got cut. There is no shame losing to those two guys, though. Hopefully he'll get back to the UFC. His stand up is crazy good. Today I had classes. Before my Modern Britain class started, people in my class were watching YouTube videos on the projector or whatever the hell it's called. They were watching Pulp Fiction and Full Metal Jacket. One student was mouthing all these lines from the ladder. It was kind of creepy. I love Pulp Fiction. I think Full Metal Jacket is a little overrated, but it was still pretty good. Not the best Vietnam movie. I've seen better- Platoon, Born On The Fourth Of July, Apocalypse Now, etc., but it is better than Hamburger Hill and Bat 21. Heaven And Earth was pretty good too. Tommy Lee Jones kills himself while naked in a truck. It was kind of messed up. I've only seen it once. I probably should rent it again. Anyways, after my classes I met w/ my advisor Rita Miller at the Lyle building. We talked about classes I should take for next semester. I've decided to major in English and I picked History as my minor. She gave me 2 papers that I needed to get signed by the department chairs for each subject I picked. But first I walked over to the Wickersham building to see when the next math placement test was. It's on Wednesday. I'm probably going to fail it. I suck at math. Seth only got one question right when he took it. Then I walked over to the Hash building to get my major paper signed. I tried to find the woman who was supposed to sign it, but I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere in Hash and she wasn't there. Frustrated, I walked out of the building and passed the Chryst building. It's a creative writing building and that is my focus for my major so I put two and two together and walked in. I found her secretary and I got it signed. Then I walked all the way over to the Mccomsey building. Again I had a lot of trouble finding the guy who was supposed to sign my minor paper. I walked past the same group of students many times and they probably thought I was some lost Freshman. It was kind of awkward passing the same people many many times, but I found the dude and he signed it. Then I walked all the way back to the Lyle building to hand it off to Academic Assistance office (or whatever). Again I had trouble finding it, but I found it. Then I walked to my car. I was exhausted. It was good exercise, but I don't need to lose weight. If anything I'm trying to gain weight. I'm pretty thin. I walked for so long and I was sweaty (even though it was freezing out) and very hungry. When I got to my car I ate some Scooby Doo fruit snacks. They're amazing. I then drove to the Pucillo building and left my car there. Seth had class there and was getting done at 3. To pass the time I walked to Mccomsy again and got Gatorade, M&M's and a Snickers bar out of the vending machine. I then proceeded to walk to Osburn where I sat, ate, and finished this book called No Longer At Ease. I'm reading it for my Modern Britain class and it's really good. I was surprised because I usually hate reading. I picked up Seth. We hit a lot of traffic, but it wasn't too bad. I came home, ate, and went to bed. We had band practice. We had to wait due to dance classes, but we got to go through our set. It was very fractured- after 2 songs we had to wait for classes to end, and Red and Dale took a couple of piss breaks- but it went very well, if a little raw and sometimes sloppy. But Rock n' Roll isn't always pretty and I sort of like it that way. I felt like I accomplished a lot today. Now when people ask what my major is I don't have to be embarrassed to say I'm undeclared. Every time I would say that they would give me a weird look like "why are you even in school then?" Not anymore. Sean's movin' on up! Or whatever. Seeya around, yo.

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