About Me

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My name is Sean. I'm 22. I go to Millersville University. I'm a sophmore and currently undeclared, but I'm leaning towards being either an English or History major. After school I would like to write novels. I like to write short stories, but I never seem to finish them. I have many hobbies. I like to listen to music. Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, The Smiths, Saves The Day, Morrissey, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Brand New, Face To Face, Coheed And Cambria, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Elvis, Kiss, Queen, Neil Young, No Doubt, Prince, Megadeth etc. In addition to listening to music, I play music. I play the guitar and I play the bass guitar in the band Kill Big Riggs or KBR for short. I like to watch movies. I like Marlon Brando a lot and Harvey Keitel. Some of my favorite movies are Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Ghost World, Mean Streets, Foxy Brown, Rushmore, Who's That Knocking At My Door?, Edward Scissorhands, and On The Waterfront. I also like to hang out with friends and family. I like to draw. I really like Pablo Picasso's artwork. I like to watch TV. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, and Home Movies. I also like to watch mixed martial arts with my brother.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweet Lady Rock N' Roll Came Over Last Night And Well.....

On Wednesday I called Lindsay and gave her directions to get to Mulberry Art Studio. On Thursday I was supposed to register for classes, but I couldn't because I still had a hold on my registration. It kind of sucks. I hope I can go next semester. But on a good note, my band had a very good band practice. It went really well. All week I was very excited for the show. The show was on Friday. I went to my Modern Britain class. We learned about the creation of pubs and about football (soccer) and rugby. Interesting. After wards I took a nap. When I woke up I listened to some Skid Row and Guns N' Roses. I'm really digging them right now. I also called Nate because he was going to go to the show w/ me, but he had some important family stuff to attend to so he couldn't go. So me and Seth drove downtown. I accidentally passed the turn I was supposed to make and suddenly me and Seth were lost downtown. I started to panic. The night before I followed Red to the art studio and I thought I knew where I was going. I hate being lost, but w/out any assistance-that is calling a friend for help-me and Seth put our brains together and we got back to the road we were supposed to be on and we got to the art studio. When we got there Red and A.J. ( our roadie of sorts) were setting up. Paul of the band The Grim Wilderness and a friend Of KBR's, was doing the sound. Dale was handing out fliers downtown. Paul was playing some weird German David Bowie songs. And A-ron (our KBR artwork guy) had completed the t-shirts. Rock N' Roll was in the air. One by one the bands started coming in. Me and Seth hung out in our band room for a while. Dale's sister and her boyfriend hung out w/ us for a while and we met some of the bands. The show started kind of late because the 101 Mcdouble cheeseburgers didn't show up on time. They finally showed and I had 2 of them. So good, but they were getting slightly more cold as the night went on. By the end of the show they were all gone so I guess nobody minded. The first band to play was Social Oddities. They were some kind of funk/jam/rock band. Strange, but pretty good, too. The bass player was really good. As a bass player myself it made me very self-conscience. During their set, Seth's girlfriend Jamie came. So did Dale's brother Chris. My friend Drew also showed up and I was very happy to see him because I haven't seen him in a while. It was really fun hanging out w/ them. After Social Oddities played, Bread for Ducks played. Their some folk band. I thought they were good, but they didn't have a lot of songs. I heard later they played an acoustic set in our band room for some of the people who showed up. While the next band Tigerbomb started setting up, my friend Nikki and her boyfriend Justin came by. I was glad she showed up to support Rock n' Roll. Tigerbomb went on and they sort of reminded me of Primus. After them was Sickpritty, Javen's band. He wanted people to sit closer to the stage. Most of the crowd was sitting in chairs. I hated the chair idea. What's Rock n' Roll about that? So me, Nikki, her boyfriend and Dale sat near the stage. Dale hugged me and kissed my neck a bit. I stroked his chest. It's only natural. Sickpritty sounded really good. Better than when I first heard them. While they were playing, Mike (my old manager) called. He was in the area and wanted to check out the show. It was his and Kristen's anniversary (they got married in the same building we were playing in). I called him back in the bathroom ( I took so many piss breaks that night it wasn't even funny) and when I was done I opened the door and I saw Mike and Kristen there. We talked a while w/ Nikki and her boyfriend. The Grim Wilderness started playing. They reminded me of like a classic rock jam band. They were pretty good. Right before we went on Lindsay showed up and my old manager Andy was w/ her. Out of everyone I invited I wanted her to show up the most. It was our time to go up. I was pretty nervous. I took my shoes off. I feel more comfortable playing w/out my shoes on. I also had my Street Shark toy on my amp ( Dale had the StagePuff MarshMellow Man from Ghostbusters on his). I feel like it's my good luck charm. Sadly, it didn't help. We started playing, but it didn't go very well in my opinion. The Chameleon Club show in September went much better. Red was drunk and he was offbeat a lot and I messed up so many times. It was really dark and I missed a lot of  the frets because I couldn't see them. Also I think my bass was slightly out of tune. Dale said after wards that he messed up a lot, but I didn't hear him mess up at all. I felt embarrassed up there. I felt like I failed in front of everyone. We practiced so hard, but it never sounded like what it sounded like during practice. Me and Dale were really upset after it was over. We thought the show went badly. Red seemed indifferent and Seth thought it sounded good. Everyone said it went really well. Could they really tell where I messed up? Of course not. But I knew we messed up. I guess I kind of acted like a baby after the show. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't. Dale was visibly pissed off.   I was so bummed that I didn't even go out w/ Seth, Drew and Jamie after wards. I went home. Again I took a wrong turn, but I found my way home. Lindsay called me to cheer me up. She said I did really good. She bought a KBR t-shirt at the show and I signed it for her. But still I was unconvinced. I woke up Saturday still pretty depressed about the show. I worked 2-8:30 w/ Nikki, Dagen and Alex. By far the worst shift I ever worked. So busy and w/out a lot of help. I'm definitely thinking about quitting. After my shift I talked to Lindsay for a while and she cheered me up. Usually when I'm down she can make me at least a little bit happier. I came home and I tried to study for my exam, but I couldn't focus. UFC 123 was on tonight. Some of my picks were right- Paul Kelly beat T.J. O' Brien, B.J Penn beat Matt Hughes, Rampage Jackson beat Machida (controversially), Falcao beat Gerald Harris and Phil Davis beat Tim Boetsch. But Karo Parysian, Matt Brown, Aaron Simpson, Joe Lauzon, and Tyson Griffin all lost. Tyson Griffin lost controversially however. I was undecided on the Barboza-Luilo fight because I never heard of either of them. I don't know though. Maybe Sweet Lady Rock N' Roll hates me. Seeya around.

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