About Me

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My name is Sean. I'm 22. I go to Millersville University. I'm a sophmore and currently undeclared, but I'm leaning towards being either an English or History major. After school I would like to write novels. I like to write short stories, but I never seem to finish them. I have many hobbies. I like to listen to music. Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, The Smiths, Saves The Day, Morrissey, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Brand New, Face To Face, Coheed And Cambria, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Elvis, Kiss, Queen, Neil Young, No Doubt, Prince, Megadeth etc. In addition to listening to music, I play music. I play the guitar and I play the bass guitar in the band Kill Big Riggs or KBR for short. I like to watch movies. I like Marlon Brando a lot and Harvey Keitel. Some of my favorite movies are Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Ghost World, Mean Streets, Foxy Brown, Rushmore, Who's That Knocking At My Door?, Edward Scissorhands, and On The Waterfront. I also like to hang out with friends and family. I like to draw. I really like Pablo Picasso's artwork. I like to watch TV. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, and Home Movies. I also like to watch mixed martial arts with my brother.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blog # 2 Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Nature

Another blog about my day. On Friday I woke up. Felt sick. I think I'm getting a cold. I went to my Modern Britain class. I then came back home, sat around for a couple hours and took Seth back to school for his class. I pretty much just sat in my car for an hour and tried to finish Hard Times. I didn't, but I'm close. It was Shane's (my older brother) birthday. He turned 27, but he still looks very youthful. I personally look like I'm 13 years old. Later that day I went to work. 5:30 to close. Pretty busy, but I closed with my friend Nikki. She likes Saves The Day and anyone who likes Saves The Day is cool by me. Well, I guess not everyone. If a serial killer liked Saves The Day I probably wouldn't like him. Anyways, Nikki is really cool. Lindsay was also there at work. I've known her for  5 years and she is one of my best friends so that also made my shift not-so-terrible. I came home and I was really tired. I fell asleep while I was brushing my teeth. I don't know how it happened, but it did and it was pretty freaky. Today I woke up and shaved. I had sort of a beard going on, but I know it would never look as good as Shane's so I shaved it all off and I have a lot of ugly looking cuts on my face to prove it. I ate a strawberry pop tart ( microwaved for 15 seconds. Forget the toaster) and 2 bowls of Fruity Pebbles. Breakfast Of Champions. Tonight I was going to go to my friend Hannah's Halloween party. She lives in Newmanstown which is 45 minutes away from my house. I didn't want to drive by myself because I have a history of getting lost when I try to go to places I've never been to. I was supposed to go with Lindsay, but she had things to do in Philly and was just going to meet me at Hannah's later. I was freaking out and worrying because I had no one to go with. I called Nate and asked him to go with me, but he said he couldn't and that he would rather hike. He told me to come over and maybe he could help me find the place beforehand. I drove over to his apartment in Lititz and before we were about to leave, Hannah texted me and said she canceled the party. It was kind of a bummer because I wanted to go, but what do you do when your plans are canceled? You hike. We took my car. First we decided to stop at Sheetz so he could hand in a lottery ticket and buy gum. You always need gum while you're hiking. We ran into Lindsay there and I told her the party was canceled. It was very nice seeing Lindsay and kind of strange that we ran into her. Me and Nate drove to the camping ground. I forget the name of the place. Millcreek? Maybe? Anyways the hike was really fun. It wasn't too cold out today and there were barley any clouds in the sky and the trees and the scenery looked very beautiful. I like hiking. Me and Nate went hiking before a few weeks back and it was fun, too. I'm surprised  because I'm pretty much against all types of physical activity. Me and Nate pretty much just waxed philisophical about life ( which is usaully what we do no matter what the surrounding is), etc. Nate does Nelly's "Air Force Ones" better than Nelly does it. Just saying. We also chewed gum. I like gum, but I don't know. It never lasts as long as the commercials says it does. Maybe my expectations are too high. An hour or 2 later we drove back to his place. We saw so much roadkill on the way there. It had to have been a record. I hate dead animals. It's a fear of mine. Every time I see one I shiver. We hung out a little bit longer. We hung out at his place for a while and at his parents house. We listened to a 2pac tape while he was driving with his gas tank on empty. It was tense, but we got to a gas station. I went home around 7:30-ish. UFC 121 was on and like usual a lot of my picks were wrong. I was happy that Matt Hamil and Cain Velasquez won. Velasquez is the new heavyweight champion after beating Brock Lesnar. I like him even if he did beat Cheick Kongo ( another one of my favorite fighters) about a year ago. I don't like Brock Lesnar. I remember when he wrestled for the WWE and he beat up this wrestler with 1 leg. It was funny. But, sadly, Patrick Cote, Gabriel Gonzaga, Martin Kampmann, and Paulo Thiago all lost. They all lost decisions so I should be happy that none of them were KO'd or submitted. But I'm ecspecially upset that Cote and Gonzaga lost. They're 2 of my favorite fighters. Cote will probably be cut which sucks, but he can always go to Strikeforce. I always dream that Gonzaga will one day be heavyweight champion, but I don't know if it will ever happen. He should use his ji-jitsu more, but it can be hard to take people down. Oh well. I'm depressed, but I'll get over it. I will always believe in Gonzaga. Always. Seeya around.

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