About Me

My photo
My name is Sean. I'm 22. I go to Millersville University. I'm a sophmore and currently undeclared, but I'm leaning towards being either an English or History major. After school I would like to write novels. I like to write short stories, but I never seem to finish them. I have many hobbies. I like to listen to music. Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, The Smiths, Saves The Day, Morrissey, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Brand New, Face To Face, Coheed And Cambria, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Elvis, Kiss, Queen, Neil Young, No Doubt, Prince, Megadeth etc. In addition to listening to music, I play music. I play the guitar and I play the bass guitar in the band Kill Big Riggs or KBR for short. I like to watch movies. I like Marlon Brando a lot and Harvey Keitel. Some of my favorite movies are Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Ghost World, Mean Streets, Foxy Brown, Rushmore, Who's That Knocking At My Door?, Edward Scissorhands, and On The Waterfront. I also like to hang out with friends and family. I like to draw. I really like Pablo Picasso's artwork. I like to watch TV. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, and Home Movies. I also like to watch mixed martial arts with my brother.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving, Computers, and E. Coli

Sorry I haven't really been posting. My computer has been giving me difficulty. More on that later....
On Wednesday I slept a lot. I had off for Thanksgiving break. I ate some toast. It was good. I also listened to a lot of Pearl Jam. Nate and me hung out. We went to Lyndon Diner. I watched him eat soup and drink coffee. I had nothing because I'm trying to save my money. We then went driving for a really long time. It was pretty cool. He told me how it feels like to move back in w/ his Parents and his lack of success looking for a job. On Thursday it was Thanksgiving. I had Thanksgiving dinner (technically lunch) w/ my Mom, Dad, Seth, and Shane. We only ate for an hour ( the Eckman family Thanksgivings are always short), but it was fun. I ate a lot of Turkey. I hate Thanksgiving food though- I hate corn (except when it's in cob form), mashed potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, etc. I did have some good celery and some muffins though. I took a nap and I woke up after Lindsay texted me "happy thanksgiving". I got up and watched Life Aquatic With Steve Zsou. Nate had let me borrow it months ago and I never really got around watching it. I finally did and it was pretty good. As good as Rushmore? No. But still good. Then I watched On The Waterfront. I never get sick of that movie. In between trips to the fridge to get more turkey, I watched a George Bush interview on FoxNews. Every time George Bush says something it's like he waits afterwards for a reaction. I never really liked him. He seems nice. Maybe a bit misunderstood. I remember on The Daily Show they mentioned how he had "My Sharona" in his Ipod. I always thought that was funny. On Friday I slept in. I don't shop on Black Friday. That's bullshit. I worked 5:15 to close w/ Nikki, Tom, and Marianne. Nikki drew a smiley face on Tom's back using chocolate pudding. It was kind of cruel. It was pretty slow and  Lindsay was working so it was all good. When I got home, I started downloading some songs on my computer when all of a sudden a pop up came and it said we had 33 viruses. The pop up itself was a virus itself and it was looking for all our personal information. My Dad went downstairs to take a piss so I told him to help me ( he's a little more computer savvy than me, but only a little). He accidentally knocked out all of our files ( including a paper Seth had to write for a class) and then got everything back, but we couldn't go online. It kind of sucked. My Dad worked on it until he had to go to work at 4 AM, and he still couldn't fix it. I hate technology. On Saturday I worked 4 to 8:30 w/ Nikki, Dagen, and Alex. Pretty busy. I had to fill out a survey about the managers and such. I was brutally honest. Things have to change at that place. I came home. Lindsay was going to text me, but she didn't. So I sat in my room and listened to a lot of Pearl Jam. By myself. So lonely. On Sunday I worked 3 to close w/ Nikki. It wasn't too busy. I found an old piece of meat in the cooler. I picked it up and smelled it so I could identify it. It was chicken, but Nikki said I could get E. Coli because it was close to my mouth. And being the paranoid person I am I freaked out. I came home and watched a documentary on Rush on VH1 classic while freaking out about the possibility of bleeding out of my eyes and ears and staying up for Seth's call. He had work and he needed a ride. I stayed up until 1 and he came home. Someone else gave him a ride home. I got no sleep. On Monday I had classes. I brought Rush's Spirit Of Radio greatest hits CD. I guess the documentary the night before encouraged me. I like Rush. I also have Moving Pictures and Roll The Bones ( my very first Rush CD). It's nerd music and their lyrics kind of suck, but I love them. I went Christmas shopping. I went to Borders and got my Mom some books for the 2 year olds she works w/. (She works at a daycare). I got my dad Mystic River at CD Warehouse. CD Warehouse is closing and I'm upset about it. I love that place. I bought most of my albums there. So many memories... I then went  to FYE and got Shane Wayne's World. I just need to get something for Seth and I'm done Christmas shopping. I went back to school and sat at Osburn and waited for Seth to get done. I had lunch which consisted of Wild Berry Skittles, a Snickers bar and Strawberry Melon Tropicana (the regular Fruit Punch kind was all out). It was appetizing. After a brief nap when I got home, me and Seth went to band practice. We have another show at the Chameleon Club coming up so we practiced our set list. I love being in that band. I also made a very cool mix that night. On Tuesday I got to sleep in. Dad took Seth to school. It was some great sleep. I worked 4 to close by myself. I brought in my Led Zeppelin Mothership album so I wouldn't get lonely, but the stereo was giving me some problems. It wasn't too bad, but it was kind of BS that I had no help. And an old lady yelled at me. I wanted to cry. That night I only got 3 hours of sleep. When I got up this morning it was raining like crazy. My Dad told me that the battery symbol keeps coming up on my car. He takes it sometimes to do his paper route. We took it to Firestone before he had to drive me and my bro to school. I hate that car so much. I'm starting to believe that it's a piece of shit. Classes were good and I'm surprised that I didn't get tired at all during the day. My Dad picked us up and I found out that my car needs a lot of things fixed. Luckily, it's all covered under warranty. The guy came to repair the computer while I wasn't home. However, it's still fucked up. Every time I want to go online and want to go to a particular page it says that it needs to be shut down due to an error. I'm so mad. I took a nap, talked to Nate for a while and started to work on my Asian Philosophy paper. I'm listening to Led Zeppelin's Houses Of the Holy. Great album. "No Quarter" is my jam. Led Zeppelin II is good too. Oh and by the way, I don't have E. Coli. I think I'm going to be just fine. Seeya around, yo.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Etc. Part 2: Dreamwarrior

Before work on Sunday I studied for my Problem Solving W/ Computers exam. Or at least I tried. I couldn't focus. A lot of the material on this exam was more harder to get your head around than the last exam. I worked a busy 4 to close shift w/ Nikki. I brought in Pearl Jam's amazing 2002 album Riot Act in to rock out to. I replayed it many times over the course of the night. When I got home I studied and picked up Seth from work. On Monday while I was taking my shower I noticed that a lot of my hair was falling out. I think I'm losing my hair. Now I have thought this before and it was just my imagination, but I think it's really happening. I can't go bald. I would totally kill myself if I ever did. I think I may be losing my hair due to stress, but I don't know. It's probably all in my head, but I don't know. I'm scured. I took my exam. I think I failed it. It was really hard. How the questions were worded just confused the shit out of me. And almost every list of answers had "all of the above" or "none of the above" as choices. Those really throw me off. I can't say how I did, but I know it's got to be bad. We're about the start WW1 in my Modern Britain class. I'm pretty excited about that. I like learning about war and stuff. After class I came home and the repairman was working on the dryer. It is finally fixed. Hallelujah. Rejoice. I had to go back to school a few hours later and pick up Seth. In the parking lot in front of his building I always park in the spaces w/ the yellow lines. I don't know if I'm supposed to park in those, but oh well. Traffic sucked on the way home. I ate pizza and then took a nap. Around 7 me and Seth drove to band practice. I didn't drive pass the turn this time. I'm proud of myself. We couldn't practice because there were dance classes upstairs so we just talked. I 'm still bummed out about the show, but everyone seems to have calmed down about it a bit. I wanted to bring up the flaws of the show, but I kept my mouth shut. Kirby, a friend of the band, joined us and after Red left, me, Seth. Dale and Kirby just shot the shit. It was cool just hanging out. Javan ran out of gas and Dale had to go "save" him so we all had to exit. I didn't make the wrong turn going home. Thank God. I'm proud of myself. Seth hung out w/ Jamie. While I was gone I looked up Holocaust and Hitler related articles on Wikipedia. I got really depressed after wards. I knew I would, but I looked it up anyways because I'm interested in war and stuff. The world is a  really fucked up place. Seth was telling me earlier about the atomic bomb that was dropped on Japan during WWII and that really depressed me too. Give a peace a chance, you know? At least that nuclear attack that was supposed to happen last week didn't happen. But I'm still kind of thinking about it...Today I drove Seth to class. I hung out in the library. I had nothing to do. It was pretty boring. I'm glad I have the next few days off for Thanksgiving. I took a nap after wards. Lindsay texted me and it woke me up. I decided to get up. I listened to music before work- mostly Depeche Mode, Guns N' Roses, Skid Row, and some Madonna. On the way to work I listened to Sinead O' Connor's amazing I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got. I love that album. I also have Lion And The Cobra which is very good too. Her music is really good Winter music, probably because I got the album during the Christmas of 2003. I think she's underrated. Who cares if she's some bald, anti-Catholic, Pope-hating crazy woman? Listen to her music. It's awesome. I particularly like "Three Babies" (off of I Do Not Want...) and "Troy"( off of Lion And The Cobra). I worked 5:30 to close w/ Hannah. I brought in 2 other Pearl Jam albums- Ten and No Code. I listened to the ladder more, but I love both. When I was 11 Ten changed my life. Below you'll find a picture of Pearl Jam. I love them and always will. Sadly, while the music was great, the shift wasn't. It was extremely busy. I need to get a new job. I feel like I never have help and I can't do everything all by myself. But I'm home now. It feels good. It feels good. Seeya around. 

Pearl Jam- No Code/Merkinball/Yield lineup 

Pic from http://grungereport.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/pearljam90s.jpg

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweet Lady Rock N' Roll Came Over Last Night And Well.....

On Wednesday I called Lindsay and gave her directions to get to Mulberry Art Studio. On Thursday I was supposed to register for classes, but I couldn't because I still had a hold on my registration. It kind of sucks. I hope I can go next semester. But on a good note, my band had a very good band practice. It went really well. All week I was very excited for the show. The show was on Friday. I went to my Modern Britain class. We learned about the creation of pubs and about football (soccer) and rugby. Interesting. After wards I took a nap. When I woke up I listened to some Skid Row and Guns N' Roses. I'm really digging them right now. I also called Nate because he was going to go to the show w/ me, but he had some important family stuff to attend to so he couldn't go. So me and Seth drove downtown. I accidentally passed the turn I was supposed to make and suddenly me and Seth were lost downtown. I started to panic. The night before I followed Red to the art studio and I thought I knew where I was going. I hate being lost, but w/out any assistance-that is calling a friend for help-me and Seth put our brains together and we got back to the road we were supposed to be on and we got to the art studio. When we got there Red and A.J. ( our roadie of sorts) were setting up. Paul of the band The Grim Wilderness and a friend Of KBR's, was doing the sound. Dale was handing out fliers downtown. Paul was playing some weird German David Bowie songs. And A-ron (our KBR artwork guy) had completed the t-shirts. Rock N' Roll was in the air. One by one the bands started coming in. Me and Seth hung out in our band room for a while. Dale's sister and her boyfriend hung out w/ us for a while and we met some of the bands. The show started kind of late because the 101 Mcdouble cheeseburgers didn't show up on time. They finally showed and I had 2 of them. So good, but they were getting slightly more cold as the night went on. By the end of the show they were all gone so I guess nobody minded. The first band to play was Social Oddities. They were some kind of funk/jam/rock band. Strange, but pretty good, too. The bass player was really good. As a bass player myself it made me very self-conscience. During their set, Seth's girlfriend Jamie came. So did Dale's brother Chris. My friend Drew also showed up and I was very happy to see him because I haven't seen him in a while. It was really fun hanging out w/ them. After Social Oddities played, Bread for Ducks played. Their some folk band. I thought they were good, but they didn't have a lot of songs. I heard later they played an acoustic set in our band room for some of the people who showed up. While the next band Tigerbomb started setting up, my friend Nikki and her boyfriend Justin came by. I was glad she showed up to support Rock n' Roll. Tigerbomb went on and they sort of reminded me of Primus. After them was Sickpritty, Javen's band. He wanted people to sit closer to the stage. Most of the crowd was sitting in chairs. I hated the chair idea. What's Rock n' Roll about that? So me, Nikki, her boyfriend and Dale sat near the stage. Dale hugged me and kissed my neck a bit. I stroked his chest. It's only natural. Sickpritty sounded really good. Better than when I first heard them. While they were playing, Mike (my old manager) called. He was in the area and wanted to check out the show. It was his and Kristen's anniversary (they got married in the same building we were playing in). I called him back in the bathroom ( I took so many piss breaks that night it wasn't even funny) and when I was done I opened the door and I saw Mike and Kristen there. We talked a while w/ Nikki and her boyfriend. The Grim Wilderness started playing. They reminded me of like a classic rock jam band. They were pretty good. Right before we went on Lindsay showed up and my old manager Andy was w/ her. Out of everyone I invited I wanted her to show up the most. It was our time to go up. I was pretty nervous. I took my shoes off. I feel more comfortable playing w/out my shoes on. I also had my Street Shark toy on my amp ( Dale had the StagePuff MarshMellow Man from Ghostbusters on his). I feel like it's my good luck charm. Sadly, it didn't help. We started playing, but it didn't go very well in my opinion. The Chameleon Club show in September went much better. Red was drunk and he was offbeat a lot and I messed up so many times. It was really dark and I missed a lot of  the frets because I couldn't see them. Also I think my bass was slightly out of tune. Dale said after wards that he messed up a lot, but I didn't hear him mess up at all. I felt embarrassed up there. I felt like I failed in front of everyone. We practiced so hard, but it never sounded like what it sounded like during practice. Me and Dale were really upset after it was over. We thought the show went badly. Red seemed indifferent and Seth thought it sounded good. Everyone said it went really well. Could they really tell where I messed up? Of course not. But I knew we messed up. I guess I kind of acted like a baby after the show. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't. Dale was visibly pissed off.   I was so bummed that I didn't even go out w/ Seth, Drew and Jamie after wards. I went home. Again I took a wrong turn, but I found my way home. Lindsay called me to cheer me up. She said I did really good. She bought a KBR t-shirt at the show and I signed it for her. But still I was unconvinced. I woke up Saturday still pretty depressed about the show. I worked 2-8:30 w/ Nikki, Dagen and Alex. By far the worst shift I ever worked. So busy and w/out a lot of help. I'm definitely thinking about quitting. After my shift I talked to Lindsay for a while and she cheered me up. Usually when I'm down she can make me at least a little bit happier. I came home and I tried to study for my exam, but I couldn't focus. UFC 123 was on tonight. Some of my picks were right- Paul Kelly beat T.J. O' Brien, B.J Penn beat Matt Hughes, Rampage Jackson beat Machida (controversially), Falcao beat Gerald Harris and Phil Davis beat Tim Boetsch. But Karo Parysian, Matt Brown, Aaron Simpson, Joe Lauzon, and Tyson Griffin all lost. Tyson Griffin lost controversially however. I was undecided on the Barboza-Luilo fight because I never heard of either of them. I don't know though. Maybe Sweet Lady Rock N' Roll hates me. Seeya around.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Dead Skunk And The Working Class

On Monday as I drove into the parking lot at school I accidentally parked near a dead skunk. I shivered. I hate dead animals so much. Someone ran over his head. Gross. After classes were over I went back home and did a variety of things- checked out classes I can take next semester, looked up Pearl Jam tabs, found directions to get to Malburry Art Studio where our show is at so I can give them to Lindsay, etc. I'm a sophomore still and sophomores always have to pick classes last. It sucks. I also can't afford school right now so me and my parents have been looking at financial aid. My parents have been helping me so far, but it's getting too expensive. They jump the price up every semester. I hope I can find financial aid because I don't want to sit out again. I did that last semester and it was depressing. I need to start taking more classes because I want to graduate at least before I turn 25. I doubt that will happen, however, but I can dream. I wish I was rich. I drove back to school then and picked up Seth. I listened to the Strokes Is This It album on the way over there. I got the CD last year. I wasn't really into them when they first came out, but over the years I started liking them a lot. I love that CD. It's one of my favorites of all time. Their 2nd album Room On Fire is great too. I don't have their 3rd album. I heard it wasn't very good, but that's not the reason I didn't get it. I usually don't listen to critics. I just don't want it right now. I've also been listening to a lot of Pearl Jam. Mostly ladder day Pearl Jam- Yield, Binaural, Pearl Jam, and Backspacer. They're my favorite band of all time and they always will be. I tried to learn "Do The Evolution" on guitar, but it's pretty tricky. Anyways, I picked up Seth. He rented out movies from the school library for a class. He had to return them in 3 hours, but how is he going to watch 2 2 hour movies in 3 hours? So he just kept them all night. We had band practice and it went really well. I'm very excited for the show. It's only a few days away. When Dale was driving me and Seth home the car in front of us was driving on the wrong side of the road. It was funny. Today I took Seth to class. I saw the dead skunk again. It got even more destroyed. You would think someone would move it or get rid of it. I guess that's Mother Nature's job. I studied for an exam in the library. It was raining out. Seth had a library fine of 9 dollars for not returning the movies. He went to get change and when he came back 2 different librarians told him that because it was his first fine he didn't have to pay it. He was sort of pissed. We went to FYE after school so he could pick up a Bruce Springsteen B sides album. He wanted to get the new Darkness On The Edge Of Town box set, but it was 100 bucks. How can someone who speaks for the working class make their albums so expensive? How can the working class afford it? I have no idea. All I know is John Mellencamp would never do that to his fans. I slept when I got home and then I went to work. I worked 5:30 to close w/ Connor and it was very very very busy. It was terrible. I helped the dishwasher Brandon catch up. He had so many dishes. I felt like I did a good deed. After work it was raining hard. I took out some money at the ATM and went to get gas for the second time this week 45 bucks in 3 days. Too much for gas. Oh well. I really hope I don't see/smell that skunk tomorrow. Maybe Mother Nature will do her damn job for once. I shouldn't be mean. She tries her best. It's hard being in the working class these days, let me tell you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's The Bomb ( 7 Times) That Will Keep Us Together

On Thursday we had band practice and it went extremely well. I am very excited for the show. On Friday I had class. As I was leaving campus I almost hit some girl w/ my car at the crosswalk. My bad. She seemed upset that I almost hit her. I wonder why? In my defense, she walked right in front of me. I got home and took a nap. I don't know about my gray hoodie. I think it may be too big. I'm really weird w/ clothes. It has to look just right. People are telling me I look good in it though. I should believe them. Our dryer hasn't been working in a while and to save money we've been air drying the clothes after we wash them, but the clothes are always stiff and the jeans are always wrinkled because my house is freezing. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. I worked 5:30 to close w/ Nikki and Hannah. Nikki told us that a nuclear bomb is going to hit the USA between November 14 and the 18th. A computer that predicted the cost of Hurricane Katrina's damages ( and it predicted it right) predicted that this would happen. It freaked me and Hannah out very very much. I have so much coming up- the show, have to pay my phone bill, etc.-that it can't happen. Since 9/11 I've been freaked out about stuff like that. Of course there is a good chance it won't drop exactly on Lancaster (and that it won't happen at all). But it could. What would happen to the survivors? Would we be all mutated and have to become cannibals to survive? That would be crazy. I shouldn't keep panicking about this, but that's just the way I am. But computers can be wrong. Can they? Let's see what happens and in the meantime I will stock up on batteries and Powerade. I hung out w/ Nikki after work that day and thank God she kept the nuclear threat talk at a minimum. When I got to her house I parked in the middle of the street. I can't park on curbs well. I can't judge the distance right. I felt pretty embarrassed. We watched Finding Nemo. I had never seen it and had been criticized by everyone who found out. "What?! You haven't seen Finding Nemo?!" Needless to say I felt judged. But I liked it a lot. I was surprised. I thought I wouldn't like it because it's a kids movie and I'm not a kid anymore, but I liked it. I brought over turkey sandwiches that my dad made. I like turkey sandwiches too. Work this weekend wasn't too bad. I worked 4 to 8:30 on Saturday w/ Braden, Alex and Dagen. It was pretty busy. I also worked 4 to close on Sunday w/ Hannah. It was busy in the morning, but it wasn't that bad in the evening. I saw Randy, a regular who comes in that I talk to. Haven't seen him in a while. I also saw Lindsay everyday this weekend. I'm glad because I missed her. MMA news- I watched WEC 52 on Thursday and a lot of my picks were wrong- Swanson, Assuncao, Jabouin, and Njokuani all won, but the rest lost. Kind of bummed, but it's cool. Urijah Faber choked Mizagaki unconscious and Mizagaki looked dead. He was stiff as a board and all pale. It was scary because I really though he was dead, but he's okay. Thank God. I was sort of pulling for him to beat Faber, but I'm happy Faber got the win. he needed it badly. The Swanson-Semerizer fight was great. It was my favorite fight that night. And then on Saturday after work I watched UFC 122 and it was a great card. Siver, Sadollah, Krauss, Ludwig, and Matyushenko all won, but the rest of my picks lost. I'm not very good at picking fights. Okami beat Marquardt in a close fight. I was sort of pulling for Okami anyways. He will now get the winner of the Middleweight Championship fight between Anderson Silva and Vitor Belfort. The Ludwig-Osipczak fight was somewhat controversial, but Osipczak didn't really do anything w/ his take downs so I guess he really did lose the fight. Every fight they showed was really good- Dennis Siver's submission of Andre Winner was crazy. A lot of people were saying that this was a weak card, but who cares? Just because the fighters aren't as popular as other fighters, does that mean it's going to suck? No. It was pretty awesome. The only suck thing was that Alessio Sakara had to pull out of his fight because he had the flu and was throwing up backstage before the event started. I really wanted to see his fight w/ Rivera. Rivera is now fighting Michael Bisping on UFC 127. I hope Rivera can pull it out.

Feel better, man.
Pic from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Alessio-sakara.JPG

Yushin Okami
Pic from http://www.completemartialarts.com/whoswho/ufc/images/yushinokami.jpg

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That's Why They Call Me "The Rock". I'm Unmovable.

On Tuesday I didn't have to take my brother to school so I got to sleep in. Me and Nikki hung out before I went to work. We went to the mall. I bought a really cool gray hoodie. She tried to find clothes for me, but I'm very picky w/ clothes. She thought I was being difficult. That's why they call me "the rock". I'm unmovable. Even though I liked nothing she picked out I had a lot of fun. After I dropped her home I went to work. 5:30 to close. Not too bad, but it took me forever to get out of there. Today I had class. I couldn't take my math placement test because I got out of class late and the building it is in is very far away from the building I was at and I didn't know if they would let me in if I was late. So I didn't go. But it's cool. There's always next semester. I was really hungry when I got home so I ate a lot. Nate came over later. He moved back in w/ his parents. He's going to stay there until he gets a job. I'm glad his parents are giving him a place to stay. We went to Park City Diner. I had a bacon cheeseburger ( my usual. Again, I'm "the rock"). Very good, but it came with crispy fires. I don't like my fries crispy. Never have. Nate had a lot of cups of coffee. It was fun. But he smoked a few cigarettes for no real reason because he doesn't like cigarettes ( he does it just for show) and now my new gray hoodie ( which I really like) smells like smoke. It kind of sucks. Oh well....

UFC 122 Picks ( underlined fighter is the one I think/want to win)
Vladimir Matyushenko vs. Alexandre Ferreira
Rob Kimmons vs. Kyle Noke
Karlos Vemola vs. Seth Petruzelli
Duane Ludwig vs. Nick Osipczak
Kris McCray vs. Carlos Eduardo Rocha
Pascal Krauss vs. Mark Scanlon

Main Card-
Nate Marquardt vs. Yushin Okami- I like both and I have no idea who I want to win. I'm going to be happy for the winner and depressed for the loser. I'm leaning a little towards Okami to win, but I'm really undecided.
Alessio Sakara vs. Jorge Rivera- Again these are 2 of my favorite fighters and I don't want to have to choose. Sakara's chin is pretty suspect so that makes me think Rivera will probably win, but I don't even know.
Kryzstof Soszynski vs. Goran Reljic
Amir Sadollah vs. Peter Sobotta
Dennis Siver vs. Andre Winner

WEC 52 picks
Urijah Faber vs. Takeya Mizugaki- I can't decide. I like both fighters a lot.
Joseph Benavidez vs. Wagnney Fabiano
Chad Mendes vs. Javier Vasquez
Damacio Page vs. Demetrious Johnson
Zachary Micklewright vs. Dustin Poirier- Don't know anything about both fighters so I'm not sure
Anthony Njokuani vs.Edward Faaloloto
Yves Jabouin vs. Brandon Visher
Michael McDonald vs. Clint Godfrey- Don't know anything about both fighters so I'm not sure
Cub Swanson vs. Mackens Semerizer
L.C. Davis vs. Raphael Assuncao

Monday, November 8, 2010

What's Your Major?

I worked on Sunday and it was pretty terrible. Very very busy. Me and Nikki want to quit. It was my manager Mike's last day and I was very bummed out. I didn't even want to say goodbye. The Hoss's that he is going to will probably close because it gets no business so he'll probably come back, but it's going to suck w/out him. He is one of the funniest guys I ever met. I hope he comes back. At least his wife will still work at the store I work at and I can keep in touch w/ him through her, but things are going to be very different. After work I found out that Ben Saunders, a fighter who fought in the UFC, won his first post-UFC fight. He got cut after losing to Jon Fitch and Dennis Hallman. I was surprised that he got cut. There is no shame losing to those two guys, though. Hopefully he'll get back to the UFC. His stand up is crazy good. Today I had classes. Before my Modern Britain class started, people in my class were watching YouTube videos on the projector or whatever the hell it's called. They were watching Pulp Fiction and Full Metal Jacket. One student was mouthing all these lines from the ladder. It was kind of creepy. I love Pulp Fiction. I think Full Metal Jacket is a little overrated, but it was still pretty good. Not the best Vietnam movie. I've seen better- Platoon, Born On The Fourth Of July, Apocalypse Now, etc., but it is better than Hamburger Hill and Bat 21. Heaven And Earth was pretty good too. Tommy Lee Jones kills himself while naked in a truck. It was kind of messed up. I've only seen it once. I probably should rent it again. Anyways, after my classes I met w/ my advisor Rita Miller at the Lyle building. We talked about classes I should take for next semester. I've decided to major in English and I picked History as my minor. She gave me 2 papers that I needed to get signed by the department chairs for each subject I picked. But first I walked over to the Wickersham building to see when the next math placement test was. It's on Wednesday. I'm probably going to fail it. I suck at math. Seth only got one question right when he took it. Then I walked over to the Hash building to get my major paper signed. I tried to find the woman who was supposed to sign it, but I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere in Hash and she wasn't there. Frustrated, I walked out of the building and passed the Chryst building. It's a creative writing building and that is my focus for my major so I put two and two together and walked in. I found her secretary and I got it signed. Then I walked all the way over to the Mccomsey building. Again I had a lot of trouble finding the guy who was supposed to sign my minor paper. I walked past the same group of students many times and they probably thought I was some lost Freshman. It was kind of awkward passing the same people many many times, but I found the dude and he signed it. Then I walked all the way back to the Lyle building to hand it off to Academic Assistance office (or whatever). Again I had trouble finding it, but I found it. Then I walked to my car. I was exhausted. It was good exercise, but I don't need to lose weight. If anything I'm trying to gain weight. I'm pretty thin. I walked for so long and I was sweaty (even though it was freezing out) and very hungry. When I got to my car I ate some Scooby Doo fruit snacks. They're amazing. I then drove to the Pucillo building and left my car there. Seth had class there and was getting done at 3. To pass the time I walked to Mccomsy again and got Gatorade, M&M's and a Snickers bar out of the vending machine. I then proceeded to walk to Osburn where I sat, ate, and finished this book called No Longer At Ease. I'm reading it for my Modern Britain class and it's really good. I was surprised because I usually hate reading. I picked up Seth. We hit a lot of traffic, but it wasn't too bad. I came home, ate, and went to bed. We had band practice. We had to wait due to dance classes, but we got to go through our set. It was very fractured- after 2 songs we had to wait for classes to end, and Red and Dale took a couple of piss breaks- but it went very well, if a little raw and sometimes sloppy. But Rock n' Roll isn't always pretty and I sort of like it that way. I felt like I accomplished a lot today. Now when people ask what my major is I don't have to be embarrassed to say I'm undeclared. Every time I would say that they would give me a weird look like "why are you even in school then?" Not anymore. Sean's movin' on up! Or whatever. Seeya around, yo.