About Me

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My name is Sean. I'm 22. I go to Millersville University. I'm a sophmore and currently undeclared, but I'm leaning towards being either an English or History major. After school I would like to write novels. I like to write short stories, but I never seem to finish them. I have many hobbies. I like to listen to music. Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, The Smiths, Saves The Day, Morrissey, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Brand New, Face To Face, Coheed And Cambria, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Elvis, Kiss, Queen, Neil Young, No Doubt, Prince, Megadeth etc. In addition to listening to music, I play music. I play the guitar and I play the bass guitar in the band Kill Big Riggs or KBR for short. I like to watch movies. I like Marlon Brando a lot and Harvey Keitel. Some of my favorite movies are Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Ghost World, Mean Streets, Foxy Brown, Rushmore, Who's That Knocking At My Door?, Edward Scissorhands, and On The Waterfront. I also like to hang out with friends and family. I like to draw. I really like Pablo Picasso's artwork. I like to watch TV. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, and Home Movies. I also like to watch mixed martial arts with my brother.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving, Computers, and E. Coli

Sorry I haven't really been posting. My computer has been giving me difficulty. More on that later....
On Wednesday I slept a lot. I had off for Thanksgiving break. I ate some toast. It was good. I also listened to a lot of Pearl Jam. Nate and me hung out. We went to Lyndon Diner. I watched him eat soup and drink coffee. I had nothing because I'm trying to save my money. We then went driving for a really long time. It was pretty cool. He told me how it feels like to move back in w/ his Parents and his lack of success looking for a job. On Thursday it was Thanksgiving. I had Thanksgiving dinner (technically lunch) w/ my Mom, Dad, Seth, and Shane. We only ate for an hour ( the Eckman family Thanksgivings are always short), but it was fun. I ate a lot of Turkey. I hate Thanksgiving food though- I hate corn (except when it's in cob form), mashed potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, etc. I did have some good celery and some muffins though. I took a nap and I woke up after Lindsay texted me "happy thanksgiving". I got up and watched Life Aquatic With Steve Zsou. Nate had let me borrow it months ago and I never really got around watching it. I finally did and it was pretty good. As good as Rushmore? No. But still good. Then I watched On The Waterfront. I never get sick of that movie. In between trips to the fridge to get more turkey, I watched a George Bush interview on FoxNews. Every time George Bush says something it's like he waits afterwards for a reaction. I never really liked him. He seems nice. Maybe a bit misunderstood. I remember on The Daily Show they mentioned how he had "My Sharona" in his Ipod. I always thought that was funny. On Friday I slept in. I don't shop on Black Friday. That's bullshit. I worked 5:15 to close w/ Nikki, Tom, and Marianne. Nikki drew a smiley face on Tom's back using chocolate pudding. It was kind of cruel. It was pretty slow and  Lindsay was working so it was all good. When I got home, I started downloading some songs on my computer when all of a sudden a pop up came and it said we had 33 viruses. The pop up itself was a virus itself and it was looking for all our personal information. My Dad went downstairs to take a piss so I told him to help me ( he's a little more computer savvy than me, but only a little). He accidentally knocked out all of our files ( including a paper Seth had to write for a class) and then got everything back, but we couldn't go online. It kind of sucked. My Dad worked on it until he had to go to work at 4 AM, and he still couldn't fix it. I hate technology. On Saturday I worked 4 to 8:30 w/ Nikki, Dagen, and Alex. Pretty busy. I had to fill out a survey about the managers and such. I was brutally honest. Things have to change at that place. I came home. Lindsay was going to text me, but she didn't. So I sat in my room and listened to a lot of Pearl Jam. By myself. So lonely. On Sunday I worked 3 to close w/ Nikki. It wasn't too busy. I found an old piece of meat in the cooler. I picked it up and smelled it so I could identify it. It was chicken, but Nikki said I could get E. Coli because it was close to my mouth. And being the paranoid person I am I freaked out. I came home and watched a documentary on Rush on VH1 classic while freaking out about the possibility of bleeding out of my eyes and ears and staying up for Seth's call. He had work and he needed a ride. I stayed up until 1 and he came home. Someone else gave him a ride home. I got no sleep. On Monday I had classes. I brought Rush's Spirit Of Radio greatest hits CD. I guess the documentary the night before encouraged me. I like Rush. I also have Moving Pictures and Roll The Bones ( my very first Rush CD). It's nerd music and their lyrics kind of suck, but I love them. I went Christmas shopping. I went to Borders and got my Mom some books for the 2 year olds she works w/. (She works at a daycare). I got my dad Mystic River at CD Warehouse. CD Warehouse is closing and I'm upset about it. I love that place. I bought most of my albums there. So many memories... I then went  to FYE and got Shane Wayne's World. I just need to get something for Seth and I'm done Christmas shopping. I went back to school and sat at Osburn and waited for Seth to get done. I had lunch which consisted of Wild Berry Skittles, a Snickers bar and Strawberry Melon Tropicana (the regular Fruit Punch kind was all out). It was appetizing. After a brief nap when I got home, me and Seth went to band practice. We have another show at the Chameleon Club coming up so we practiced our set list. I love being in that band. I also made a very cool mix that night. On Tuesday I got to sleep in. Dad took Seth to school. It was some great sleep. I worked 4 to close by myself. I brought in my Led Zeppelin Mothership album so I wouldn't get lonely, but the stereo was giving me some problems. It wasn't too bad, but it was kind of BS that I had no help. And an old lady yelled at me. I wanted to cry. That night I only got 3 hours of sleep. When I got up this morning it was raining like crazy. My Dad told me that the battery symbol keeps coming up on my car. He takes it sometimes to do his paper route. We took it to Firestone before he had to drive me and my bro to school. I hate that car so much. I'm starting to believe that it's a piece of shit. Classes were good and I'm surprised that I didn't get tired at all during the day. My Dad picked us up and I found out that my car needs a lot of things fixed. Luckily, it's all covered under warranty. The guy came to repair the computer while I wasn't home. However, it's still fucked up. Every time I want to go online and want to go to a particular page it says that it needs to be shut down due to an error. I'm so mad. I took a nap, talked to Nate for a while and started to work on my Asian Philosophy paper. I'm listening to Led Zeppelin's Houses Of the Holy. Great album. "No Quarter" is my jam. Led Zeppelin II is good too. Oh and by the way, I don't have E. Coli. I think I'm going to be just fine. Seeya around, yo.